- (7:00 AM: Alarm goes off)
- Me(Grunts) I don't feel like getting up.
- BedNo kidding. You were sleeping so well. You should hit the snooze button.
- MeYou think so?
- BedDefinitely. It's 7:00 and you don't have to be at class until 8:00. An extra ten minutes won't hurt.
- MeYou know what? You're right.
- (10 minutes later)
- MeOk. Time to get up?
- BedAre you sure about that?
- MeNot really....
- BedWhat, do you have to do take a bath?
- MeI'd like to.
- BedBut do you need to?
- MeI guess I didn't really do anything active last yesterday so I don't really need to.
- BedExactly. Plus, are there really any girls worth impressing in your 8 A.M. class? I mean be honest.
- MeYou know you're absolutely right. You're full of wisdom, Bed.
- BedShh. Shh. Shh. I know. Now, go back to sleep.
- (10 minutes later: Alarm goes yet again)
- MeOk. Gotta get up. For real this time.
- BedAw. Come on don't go.
- MeI can't. If I stay any longer I'm going to be late.
- BedAnd what, you'll disturb the one person whose actually trying to learn?
- Me...Yeah.
- BedCome on. You know as soon as you leave from under these covers things are only gonna go down hill.
- MeSad, but very true.
- BedThen just stay and hang out with me. Ever since this semester started you hardly ever spend any time with me...You don't even make me before you leave anymore.
- MeI've never made you. Not once.
- BedThat's not true. You did for about a week. It was one of your resolutions we both knew it would last.
- MeOk fine. I'll stay, but just ten more minutes.
- BedThat's all I ask.
- (10 minutes later)
- MeOk. Seriously. I'm getting up.
- BedNo, stay.
- MeI can't man. I have class.
- BedNo you don't. You've been to all of your classes this week.
- MeThat's true.
- BedYou've been working so hard. You deserve it a little extra sleep.
- MeYou know what? I do deserve it.
- BedDamn right you do! Besides, you don't want to go out there. The world's a cold, cold place.
- MeIt is cruel.
- BedNo, I meant that literally. It's freezing. The Polar vortex will send your balls into hiding the minute you step outside.
- MeFuck it. I'm sleeping in.
I hate my bed, really. it's made me missed a lot of classes in my first semester. fuck you, bed!